FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Question: Do you offer international shipping?
    Answer: No, we do offer international shipping. Please visit our shipping page for more information.

  2. Question: What is your return policy?
    Answer: Our return policy is user-friendly. If you are not satisfied with a product, you can return it within 7 days. For more details, please visit our Return Policy page.

  3. Question: Where can I find the Size Chart?
    Answer: The Size Chart for each product is provided below the product description. You can click here to view the appropriate chart for your size.

  4. Question: Do you provide cash on delivery (COD)?
    Answer: Yes, we do provide cash on delivery. You can select the COD option during checkout.

  5. Question: What are the shipping charges?
    Answer: Shipping charges depend on the product and delivery location. The exact charges will be provided during checkout.

  6. Question: How can I track my order?
    Answer: You can track your order in our "Track Order" section using the tracking details provided in the order confirmation email.

  7. Question: Do you accept bulk orders?
    Answer: Yes, we do accept bulk orders. Please contact our customer support for more information.

  8. Question: Are your products eco-friendly?
    Answer: Some of our products are eco-friendly, and we are constantly working towards making our products more environmentally friendly.

  9. Question: How long does it take to deliver my order?
    Answer: Most orders arrive within 5-10 days of order being confirmed. An order confirmation SMS/Email will be sent to you, post which an SMS/Email notification will be sent, once your order is shipped.